Eric Chenoweth’s Articles
Eric Chenoweth is co-founder and co-director of IDEE and was also Executive Director of the Committee in Support of Solidarity from 1981–88 (see About the Directors). He is also principal author of Democracy Web, an extracurricular resource web site of the Albert Shanker Institute that includes 12 chapters on basic principles of democracy together with 36 country studies. Mr. Chenoweth has written and published widely on Eastern Europe and democracy issues and below are selected recent articles.
Can It Happen Here?
“The main thing is, they’re talking about us.”Joseph Goebbels, The Goebbels Diaries by Eric Chenoweth (The Shanker Blog, June 29, 2020) (PDF Version) Comparing Trump’s presidency with past fascist regimes, and particularly that of Hitler’s [...]
Russia-gate Still Matters
by Eric Chenoweth (The Shanker Blog, November 11, 2019) (PDF Version) A majority of Americans support the impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump. With each witness’s testimony, they learn the extent of how Trump risked [...]
The Missing Commemoration of 1980 — and 1989
by Eric Chenoweth (PDF Version) On the 30th anniversary of the 1989 "velvet revolutions" that resulted in the downfall of communist regimes in the Soviet bloc countries of Central and Eastern Europe, there was little [...]
A Mouse Gives Birth to a Mountain: What the Mueller Report Tells Us About the Russian Intervention
by Eric Chenoweth (The Shanker Blog, May 23, 2019) In the manner of Russian propaganda, where everything is true if it supports the leader, Donald Trump has asserted simultaneously that the report of Special Counsel [...]
Can American Democracy Survive
by Eric Chenoweth (The Shanker Blog, November 5, 2018) “Which world is ‘natural’? That which existed before or the world of war? Both are natural if both are within the realm of one’s experience.” Czeslaw [...]
The Alarming Story that Won’t Go Away
by Eric Chenoweth The American Interest (Published on: June 4, 2018) Despite all the diminishment, denial, and deflection, the evidence is mounting that Russian interference may have tipped the 2016 election. In mid-February, the news [...]