As a non-profit institution with limited funds, we rely on the public’s support and welcome individual donations and private grants either for general support of IDEE’s work or for specific IDEE programs. Use the Donate button below to make a donation through a secure PayPal platform, which offers the possibility to donate using your own PayPal account or by credit card.
Donations or orders of publications by check are equally welcome. Make checks payable to “Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe” and send to:
1718 M Street, NW, No. 147
Washington, DC 20036 USA
For confirmation, all donations will be acknowledged directly from IDEE. At present, IDEE is requesting specific donations to further its 25 Years After 1989-91 program and to help distribute its Special Report and special issue of Uncaptive Minds (“Reflections on Unfinished Revolutions”) .
* Print versions of the Special Report and the special issue of Uncaptive Minds may be ordered by check or through the PayPal button above for $3.00 and $5.00, respectively, per copy, plus $2.50 for postage for domestic orders. Previous issues of Uncaptive Minds (nine volumes, 34 numbers) may also be ordered, either individually (at $10 per issue plus postage and handling) or in a full set (at $300 plus postage and handling). For international orders or to make inquiries, please email [email protected].
IDEE is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt not-for-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible.